General union of palestinian journalists in the UK

Vision and objectives

Our Vision

The union aims to serve as a powerful platform to defend the rights of Palestinian journalists in ‎the ‎face of Israeli occupation as well as censorship and intimidation against Palestinian journalists ‎inside and outside Palestine, support their national mission to expose crimes against the ‎Palestinian ‎people, and promote the Palestinian narrative globally.‎GUPS is committed to the British ‏Ofcom code of ethics and the ‏European IFJ ‏code of ethics.‎



‎1). GUPJ aims to improve the working conditions and pay of Palestinian journalists ‎working in the UK, ‎and to promote media freedom and professionalism.

2). Establish a Palestinian presence in the UK to advocate for Palestinian journalists ‎rights.‎

3). Present a unified Palestinian voice before other media bodies in the UK and ‎present the ‎Palestinian issue in a good and unified opinion.‎

4). Promote media freedom: The GUPJ works to ensure journalists can operate ‎without fear of ‎reprisal or censorship.

5). Protect professionalism: GUPJ promotes the Union’s ethical code of conduct. ‎

6). Combat discrimination: GUPJ strives to combat discrimination and bullying in ‎the workplace. ‎

7). Support journalists: GUPJ supports journalists who act according to the code of ‎conduct.

8). Provide legal assistance: GUPJ covers members for work-related personal ‎injuries, including ‎accidents and disease.‎

9). Offer training to our members in cooperation with other universities and ‎colleges.‎

10). Issue press cards to our members in cooperation with other UK regulatory ‎bodies.‎


1. Protect Palestinian journalists from direct targeting:
2. Enhance Palestinian media presence internationally:
3. Defend freedom of expression and human rights:
4. Support Palestinian journalists in exile:
