General union of palestinian journalists in the UK

January 2025

آراءعبثية اللحظة السياسية ..!الكاتب: أكرم عطا الله

عاد الفلسطينيون لموهبتهم التي برعوا فيها بإتقان وهي الاختلاف، وهذه المرة بتراشق بالبيانات، كل مجموعة تصدر بياناً تعتقد أنه الشكل الأقرب لإنهاء الحرب. ووسط حالة الانقسام المزمنة يبدو الأمر أشبه بمحاولات متأخرة ويائسة بالخروج من عنق الزجاجة، وهي محاولات محدودة القيمة بعد أن تأخر الفلسطينيون كثيراً وأفاقوا بعد خمسة عشر شهراً من الإبادة تحوّل فيها قطاع غزة إلى مقبرة كبيرة يجري البحث الآن عن حارس لها.كانت هناك منذ البداية أصوات سياسية فلسطينية عاقلة تطالب مبكراً بالبحث في اليوم التالي قبل أن يترك الأمر لإسرائيل، وشوّش عليها وزير الخارجية الأميركي انتوني بلينكن وهو يستخدم مصطلح «اليوم التالي»، لكن تلك الأصوات كان يتم تجاهلها في أحسن الأحوال. فقد كان الأمر على طرفي الخلاف الفلسطيني يأخذ شكلاً مغايراً تقول حركة حماس أن اليوم التالي هو حماس، وعلى الجانب الآخر كانت السلطة تنتظر من بعيد إذا ما انتهت الحرب بإنهاء حكم حماس ليجيء دورها، دون أن تبذل أي جهد بالتفكير لليوم التالي.لم تنتبه أطراف الخلاف الفلسطيني الى أن اليوم التالي في غزة سيكون اسرائيلياً بسبب تجاهلهم للأمر، وأن جيش اسرائيل يقوم بإنشاء قواعد عسكرية دائمة، ولا يخفي سياساته بالسيطرة الأمنية والعسكرية على غزة لسنوات، وأن رؤيته بمن سيحكم غزة جهات «لا حماسستان ولا فتحستان» بل أية لجنة أو جهة تعمل تحت الاحتلال بعيداً عن الفصائل الفلسطينية.انقسمت آراء الفلسطينيين بعدة سيناريوهات، إما أن تستمر حركة حماس بالحكم وهذا يعني كمبرر لإدامة الحرب، وإما أن يتم قطع الطريق بإعلان حماس تخليها عن إدارة غزة وتحميلها للسلطة صاحبة الولاية وترك السلطة تخوض معركتها إن استطاعت، وأغلب الظن أنها ستفشل في ظل هيمنة اسرائيل على غزة والإشراف على هندستها، أو سيناريو توافق فلسطيني يتفق فيه الفلسطينيون على شيء مشترك، وهذا ما عجزت عنه الفصائل على امتداد سنوات طويلة. وكان هناك صوت لا يستهان به يقول «ألقوا كل شيء في وجه الإسرائيلي وليتحمل مسؤوليته المدنية، فليس من المنطقي أن يحتل القطاع ولا يتحمل عبء المسؤولية واستحقاقاتها المالية» وهو الخيار الذي حذرت منه المؤسسة العسكرية الإسرائيلية لتكلفته المادية والبشرية.كان النقاش ومازال مأزوماً ارتباطاً بأزمة اللحظة الكلية المأزومة ويصطدم بمسألتين، الأولى أن الفلسطينيين يناقشون الأمر بعد فوات الأوان، ولم يلتقطوا الأمر مبكراً، بل هاجموا من كان يدعو لذلك، والثانية أن السيطرة الإسرائيلية لن تسمح بأي جهة أو حكم يقوم بمسؤولياته خارج إرادتها، لكن النقاش في لحظة ما يأخذ شكلاً عابثاً لا يستوي مع لحظة الدم وحجم الإبادة .في نيسان الماضي تلقيتُ مكالمة من قيادي كبير في حركة حماس في عاصمة عربية للنقاش في مقال كنت قد نشرته، وبعد المقال انتقلنا لتساؤلات عن المخرج، حينها لم تكن إسرائيل دخلت رفح ولا أبادت الشمال ولا زالت قيادة الحركة بثقلها، وكان حزب الله يساند والمحور بكامل قوته، أي كانت اللحظة هي الأفضل للحركة قلت له: ألقوا الحِمل في حجر أبو مازن. فاجأني الرجل بأن الرئيس لا يريد قلت: اذهبوا للوسطاء واطلبوا منهم المساعدة ولا تنتظروا، فالقادم سيكون أسوأ في ظل تحالف كوني مساند لإسرائيل، ولكن تفهّموا أن أبو مازن لا يستطيع مشاركتكم في هذا الظرف، فلديكم تصنيف دولي صعب، والرئيس يدرك أن الشراكة ممكن أن تصم السلطة نفسها وهذا ربما ما سيصعب الأمر ويجعله يتجنب ذلك، مرروا هذه اللحظة الصعبة بأقل الخسائر قد نتمكن من وقف الحرب.لم يكن يعني ذلك أن السلطة تمثل النموذج المثالي الذي يطمح له كل فلسطيني، فهي تشبه كل النظم العربية التي لم تشكل طموحاً لأي مواطن عدا عن قلة الكفاءة في إدارة العديد من الأزمات وبضمنها غزة، ولكن بين الخيارات أحياناً تختار الأقل فداحة، وإن كان خيار السلطة قد أصدر نتنياهو موقفه القاطع منه بل وعزز غيابها خلال سنوات ماضية، وهذا أحد الاتهامات التي سيتم التحقيق مع نتنياهو بسببها لسماحه بتمرير الأموال لحركة حماس حتى تظل في الحكم والحيلولة دون عودة السلطة، وهذا ما كان يجب أن يدعو الفلسطينيين للتأمل مبكراً .لكن الحوارات العابثة التي تدار كما كل تاريخنا العابث في سنواته الأخيرة، تأخذ شكلاً لا يمكن تفسيره يبدو أشبه بدائرة مفرغة لا يمكن فهمها. فإذا كانت الفصائل تتفق في الصين على خارطة طريق، فلماذا لا تُعفي الفلسطينيين من عبث ترددها، فالوقت في غزة من دم، وإذا كانت السلطة قلقة من التوافق مع حركة حماس نظراً لتصنيفها بعد السابع من أكتوبر فلماذا تذهب هناك، وإذا كانت حركتا فتح وحماس تتفقان في القاهرة على لجنة لإدارة غزة فلماذا تؤيد السلطة بياناً يطالبها بمسؤوليتها عن غزة ولا تقول أن هذا البيان مخالف لما اتفقنا عليه؟ فلا يجوز التعاطي بهذا الشكل مع قضية على المحك وأمام شعب ينزف يومياً وإبادة لكل شيء في غزة.لا شيء في الأفق وسط حالة الاستهتار القائمة والخشية من الفراغ وبقاء الفلسطينيين أسرى حالة التراشق، وعدم مغادرتها سيعطي للإسرائيلي ما يكفي من القوة والمساحة لصياغة المشهد كما يريد. وأخشى أن الأمر كذلكـ فالتاريخ لا يرحم العابثين.

آراءعبثية اللحظة السياسية ..!الكاتب: أكرم عطا الله Read More »

Western Media Coverage of the Ongoing War in Gaza

This paper examines the portrayal of the ongoing conflict in Gaza by Western media outlets, analyzing the framing, biases, and narratives that shape public perception. Throughacriticaldiscourseanalysisofmajornewsnetworks,thestudy reveals patterns of selective reporting, the emphasis on certain narratives over others, and the impact of geopolitical alliances on media coverage. The research highlightshowtherepresentationoftheGazaconflictinWesternmediainfluences international opinions and policy-making, often marginalizing the voices and experiences of those directly affected by the war.

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Report about Famine and hunger journalists face in gaza

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has not only devastated the lives of its residents but has also put immense pressure on those who have made it their mission to report the truth—journalists. In addition to the danger of being caught in the crossfire, Palestinian journalists are facing a dire situation of their own: famine and hunger. These brave individuals continue their work under extreme conditions, often without access to basic resources, including food. In this blog post, we’ll explore the alarming reality of famine and hunger faced by journalists in Gaza and the impact it has on their ability to report freely. The Struggle for Survival in Gaza Gaza has long been one of the most challenging places in the world to live and work. The region has faced years of blockades, military aggression, and economic instability, all of which have contributed to widespread poverty and food insecurity. However, with the escalation of the ongoing conflict, the situation has reached catastrophic levels. According to reports from humanitarian organizations, Gaza’s food crisis has deepened, and it is not just civilians who are suffering—journalists too are grappling with the harsh reality of famine and hunger. As the conflict intensifies, many journalists find themselves stuck in Gaza with limited access to essential resources. The infrastructure that once supported the daily lives of journalists, including food, water, and medical supplies, has been severely damaged. With roads blocked, aid shipments delayed, and resources stretched thin, many journalists are left struggling to survive. Some have shared their stories of going without food for days, relying on whatever little they can gather or receive from local networks. Journalists Caught in the Crossfire For journalists in Gaza, reporting on the war is not just a profession—it’s a daily fight for survival. While these journalists risk their lives to provide the world with accurate, on-the-ground reports of the war’s impact, they too are victims of the very conflict they are documenting. In addition to the ever-present risk of being targeted by airstrikes or ground assaults, journalists often find themselves unable to access basic nutrition, further compromising their health and ability to do their work. Food insecurity in Gaza has hit an all-time high. According to the United Nations, over half of Gaza’s population is food insecure, meaning they lack access to the food necessary for an active and healthy life. Journalists, who rely on a steady flow of resources to maintain their work, are now among those struggling with hunger. As the war drags on, access to food becomes more limited, and for journalists already under immense stress and physical danger, the scarcity of food has become yet another obstacle they must face. The Impact of Hunger on Journalists’ Work Hunger is not just a physical hardship—it also has profound effects on a journalist’s ability to do their job. Journalism, especially in a war zone, requires focus, clarity, and the energy to report in real-time. When journalists are hungry, exhausted, and undernourished, their capacity to perform even the most basic tasks is impaired. The impact on their work is evident in the increasingly difficult conditions under which they report, both physically and mentally. Many journalists who are affected by hunger report feeling weaker, more distracted, and less able to think clearly. Chronic malnutrition can lead to fatigue, headaches, and other health issues that make it harder to carry out their reporting duties. In some cases, journalists have been forced to abandon coverage of critical events or leave their assignments to seek food and medical care. This compromises the integrity of the reporting, depriving the world of vital information and testimonies from those living through the crisis. The Humanitarian Crisis of Hunger in Gaza The hunger crisis in Gaza is part of a larger humanitarian emergency that has been exacerbated by the ongoing conflict. The United Nations and various humanitarian agencies have warned that the blockade and military operations have led to severe shortages of food, clean water, and medical supplies. With food prices skyrocketing and access to supplies cut off, many in Gaza are left to rely on humanitarian aid to survive. However, journalists are often excluded from direct aid efforts, and many of the organizations offering assistance are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people in need. This leaves journalists in a precarious situation—unable to access basic necessities while continuing to report on a war that is ravaging the region. The suffering of these journalists is often overlooked in the larger context of the humanitarian crisis, even though they are playing a crucial role in bringing global attention to the plight of Gaza’s population. The Psychological Toll of Hunger In addition to the physical toll, hunger also takes a psychological toll on journalists. The stress of working in a war zone, combined with the anxiety of not knowing where the next meal will come from, can lead to burnout, depression, and anxiety. Journalists already face the trauma of witnessing violence and loss, but when hunger is added to the equation, it compounds the emotional strain. The constant threat of starvation, coupled with the immense pressure of their reporting responsibilities, leaves many journalists mentally and emotionally exhausted. The mental health challenges faced by journalists in Gaza are rarely addressed, yet they are an essential aspect of understanding the full scope of the crisis. The psychological impact of hunger can affect a journalist’s ability to maintain objectivity, to remain resilient, and to continue the critical work of reporting from the frontlines. The Call for International Support The famine and hunger facing journalists in Gaza are not isolated issues; they are part of the larger crisis of food insecurity and human suffering in the region. International organizations, governments, and human rights groups must recognize the plight of these journalists and offer the support they need to carry out their work safely and effectively. This support could take many forms, from ensuring journalists have access to food and medical supplies to providing safe passage for them to report outside the conflict

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Report about palestinian journalists killed in Gaza in the ongoing war

The ongoing war in Gaza has brought forth devastating consequences for both civilians and media personnel, and among the most tragic are the lives lost by Palestinian journalists. These individuals, who dedicate themselves to reporting the reality of life under war and occupation, have become casualties in a conflict that has already claimed too many innocent lives. This blog post aims to shed light on the sacrifice made by Palestinian journalists, the risks they face in their profession, and the growing calls for accountability. The Critical Role of Palestinian Journalists Palestinian journalists are not just news gatherers; they are the voices of a people enduring extreme hardship. They report on the daily realities of life in Gaza, bringing attention to the stories of families affected by airstrikes, ground assaults, and the humanitarian crisis. These journalists work tirelessly, often under extreme danger, to provide international audiences with information on the conflict, human rights violations, and the devastating toll of war on Gaza’s population. Despite the risks, many continue their work, knowing that their reporting is crucial for the world to understand the truth of the situation. The Cost of Reporting from Gaza The ongoing conflict has claimed the lives of many Palestinian journalists, highlighting the dangerous conditions they endure. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and other global organizations have reported that at least X number of journalists have been killed in Gaza since the war’s escalation. Tragically, many of these deaths occurred while journalists were on assignment—covering airstrikes, documenting protests, or simply trying to report the facts. These journalists were killed despite wearing press identification and taking precautions to ensure their safety. Their deaths have sparked outrage among press freedom organizations and the international community, underscoring the fundamental principle that journalists must be protected, even in conflict zones. International law guarantees the safety of journalists, and their protection is vital for the flow of information during times of war. The targeting of these journalists not only robs the world of essential coverage but also sends a chilling message to others working in dangerous environments. High-Profile Cases of Palestinian Journalists Killed While the names of many fallen journalists are still being confirmed, several cases have garnered international attention. These journalists’ stories are emblematic of the risks faced by those on the frontlines of conflict: These are just a few of the cases of Palestinian journalists who have lost their lives while simply trying to do their jobs—reporting the truth under extraordinary pressure. Their courage and sacrifice must not be forgotten. Attacks on Media Infrastructure In addition to the loss of individual journalists, the war has also caused significant damage to media infrastructure in Gaza. Offices of major news outlets, such as Al Jazeera and the Associated Press, have been targeted by Israeli airstrikes. These attacks have not only led to the deaths of journalists but have also disrupted the ability of news organizations to report from the ground. While the Israeli military has justified some of these strikes, claiming they were targeting facilities used by Hamas or other militant groups, many have questioned whether such attacks violate international humanitarian law, especially considering that civilian journalists were caught in the crossfire. The destruction of media infrastructure further endangers journalists and undermines press freedom, making it even harder for journalists to operate freely in an already volatile environment. Global Response and Calls for Accountability The deaths of Palestinian journalists in Gaza have sparked widespread condemnation from press freedom organizations, human rights advocates, and governments around the world. The United Nations, the European Union, and various global media organizations have all called for an immediate investigation into the deaths of journalists and have emphasized the need for accountability. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have been vocal in their criticism of the attacks on media personnel, stressing that journalists are protected by international law. The global outcry serves as a reminder that the safety of journalists must be a top priority during conflict and that those responsible for killing or targeting journalists must be held accountable. The Chilling Effect on Press Freedom The deaths of Palestinian journalists are not just a loss of life; they represent a broader assault on press freedom. When journalists are targeted, it sends a message to others in the region and around the world that reporting on sensitive or controversial topics can be dangerous or even fatal. This creates a chilling effect, causing journalists to reconsider whether they should cover certain stories or report from specific locations. In conflict zones, this self-censorship can have grave consequences, as it limits the flow of information and prevents the international community from fully understanding the scope of the crisis. The ability of journalists to report freely is essential for transparency, accountability, and the protection of human rights. Conclusion: Remembering the Sacrifice of Palestinian Journalists The ongoing war in Gaza has left a trail of devastation, and Palestinian journalists have paid the ultimate price in their pursuit of truth. These individuals were not just casualties of war; they were dedicated professionals whose work was vital for telling the stories of the voiceless. Their deaths must serve as a call to action for the international community to protect journalists and ensure that those who target them are held accountable. As we reflect on the bravery of Palestinian journalists, we must reaffirm our commitment to press freedom, and we must continue to fight for the protection of journalists in conflict zones. Their sacrifice is a stark reminder that the truth comes at a cost—but that cost must never be forgotten. Report Violations A Martyr Journalist 0 Injured Journalist 0 Journalist Detained 0 Destroyed Institution 0 Contact Us

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Understanding Palestine’s Current Situation: Challenges and Resilience

Palestine remains at the heart of one of the world’s most enduring and complex conflicts. As of 2025, the region’s situation continues to be shaped by political, economic, and humanitarian challenges. Amid the struggles, however, the resilience of the Palestinian people stands as a testament to their determination for justice, peace, and dignity. This blog aims to shed light on the current state of Palestine, addressing key issues and highlighting the human stories behind the headlines. 1. The Political Landscape The political situation in Palestine remains fraught with challenges. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict persists, with continued tensions over land, sovereignty, and human rights. Israeli settlements in the West Bank, deemed illegal under international law, continue to expand, further complicating the prospect of a two-state solution. Efforts for peace negotiations remain stagnant, with trust eroded on both sides. International bodies such as the United Nations frequently call for renewed dialogue, but tangible progress has been limited. Meanwhile, internal divisions within Palestinian leadership, particularly between Fatah in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza, hinder a unified approach to addressing the crisis. 2. The Humanitarian Crisis The humanitarian situation in Palestine is dire, particularly in Gaza, which has been described as an open-air prison. With over 2 million residents, Gaza faces severe restrictions on movement, trade, and access to essential goods. Electricity shortages, limited access to clean water, and inadequate healthcare systems exacerbate the daily struggles of its population. According to recent reports, unemployment in Gaza exceeds 45%, with youth unemployment even higher. The economic blockade has stifled opportunities for growth, leaving many families reliant on international aid to survive. In the West Bank, the situation is marginally better but still challenging. Frequent clashes, home demolitions, and the confiscation of land create a constant state of uncertainty for Palestinians living there. Refugee camps, home to millions displaced since 1948, continue to lack adequate resources and infrastructure. 3. The Role of International Actors International involvement remains a critical factor in Palestine’s current situation. The United States, European Union, and Arab League play significant roles in shaping the region’s dynamics, both politically and economically. While some countries have increased their support for Palestine through aid and advocacy, others have shifted their alliances, complicating the geopolitical landscape. In recent years, grassroots movements like the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign have gained momentum, aiming to pressure Israel to comply with international law. At the same time, normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab states have sparked debates over their impact on the Palestinian cause. 4. Cultural and Social Resilience Despite the hardships, Palestinian culture and identity remain vibrant and resilient. From traditional Dabke dance performances to the flourishing of Palestinian art and literature, the cultural expressions of Palestine serve as a powerful tool for resistance and unity. Education remains a priority for many Palestinian families, with universities in the West Bank and Gaza continuing to produce skilled graduates despite limited resources. Community-led initiatives in areas such as mental health, women’s empowerment, and environmental sustainability demonstrate the strength and ingenuity of Palestinian society. 5. Voices of Hope Amid the struggles, stories of hope emerge every day. Youth-led organizations are advocating for change, using social media and technology to amplify their voices globally. Farmers in the Jordan Valley continue to cultivate their land despite restrictions, symbolizing the deep connection between Palestinians and their heritage. Artists, writers, and musicians are telling their stories to the world, ensuring that the Palestinian narrative remains alive and heard. Looking Ahead The path forward for Palestine is uncertain, but the resilience of its people offers a glimmer of hope. International solidarity, coupled with grassroots advocacy, has the potential to create meaningful change. Addressing the humanitarian crisis, fostering dialogue, and upholding international law are essential steps toward justice and peace. In the face of immense adversity, Palestinians continue to dream of a future where their rights, dignity, and aspirations are recognized. Their resilience is a reminder that even in the darkest times, the human spirit can endure and inspire.

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Palestine’s Resilient Spirit: Stories of Hope Amidst Adversity

The story of Palestine is one of resilience, determination, and hope. Despite facing decades of conflict, displacement, and economic hardship, Palestinians continue to exhibit an extraordinary capacity to adapt, thrive, and dream of a better future. Behind the headlines of political strife lie deeply personal narratives of individuals who embody the spirit of hope amidst adversity. Here are some of their stories. 1. The Teacher Building Futures In the heart of Gaza, Fatima Al-Khalil, a 38-year-old teacher, transforms a small classroom into a sanctuary of learning and hope. With limited resources, Fatima crafts innovative lessons to engage her students, many of whom have endured trauma from years of conflict. “Education is our most powerful weapon,” she says. “When I see my students dream of becoming doctors, engineers, and artists, I know that hope still exists.” Through her dedication, Fatima instills a sense of normalcy and ambition in the lives of her students, proving that even under dire circumstances, the human spirit can prevail. 2. The Artist Redefining Identity Nabil Mansour, a 27-year-old painter from Ramallah, uses art to document the struggles and aspirations of his community. His vibrant murals depict scenes of unity, resistance, and cultural pride. “Art is my way of telling the world who we are,” Nabil shares. “It’s about showing that we are more than our suffering. We have dreams, we have culture, and we have hope.” Nabil’s artwork has inspired many young Palestinians to embrace creativity as a form of expression and resilience. 3. The Farmer Nurturing the Land In the fertile Jordan Valley, Ahmed Suleiman, a 55-year-old farmer, tends to his olive groves with unwavering devotion. Despite losing access to much of his land due to restrictions, Ahmed continues to cultivate what remains, believing in the power of connection to the soil. “This land is our history and our future,” Ahmed explains. “Every olive tree I plant is a symbol of our perseverance.” His efforts not only sustain his family but also keep alive the deep agricultural traditions that have defined Palestinian identity for generations. 4. The Entrepreneur Creating Opportunities In a refugee camp near Bethlehem, Laila Abu Samra, a 30-year-old entrepreneur, has established a small business creating handmade embroidery products. Her initiative provides jobs for dozens of women in the camp, offering them financial independence and a sense of purpose. “Empowering women is empowering a community,” Laila asserts. “Through our work, we keep our heritage alive and build a future for our children.” Laila’s enterprise has gained international recognition, with her products being sold worldwide, showcasing the resilience and creativity of Palestinian women. 5. The Doctor Saving Lives Dr. Samir Al-Qassem, a 42-year-old surgeon in Hebron, works tirelessly to provide medical care in a region with limited resources. Despite long hours and the constant threat of violence, Dr. Samir remains committed to his patients. “Every life saved is a victory against despair,” he says. “I see hope in every recovery and strength in every smile.” His dedication has made him a beacon of hope for countless families navigating the challenges of life under occupation. A Collective Resilience These stories are just a glimpse into the indomitable spirit of Palestine. From educators and artists to farmers and entrepreneurs, Palestinians demonstrate a remarkable ability to endure and hope for a brighter tomorrow. Their resilience is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to rise above hardship and create a better world for future generations. In a land where challenges are abundant, hope remains the most powerful resource. Through their actions, Palestinians remind us all of the strength that comes from community, culture, and an unyielding belief in a better future.

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Mi vel morbi tristique adipiscing magna tristique porttitor quis vel elementum amet commodo diam hendrerit odio sit cras vel vel arcu semper tellus sapien morbi sit iaculis amet mauris tellus velit donec ipsum rhoncus fusce in volutpat congue quis pharetra. Donec molestie enim vitae id tempus etiam malesuada consectetur eget aenean purus lacus, nunc ipsum tincidunt fermentum viverra et massa etiam in a mi dui sed sed sit est at magnis nam amet risus sed non ut malesuada sed congue cras urna feugiat cras purus, eget mauris purus tristique leo nisl, donec elit eget blandit arcu aliquam libero faucibus turpis dignissim donec magnis tincidunt. Rhoncus ut nibh tellus felis, aliquet risus risus commodo, metus suscipit dui libero cras molestie curabitur mattis ut praesent nulla rhoncus tempor vestibulum mattis tempus feugiat et mollis nibh dui, sed sollicitudin. Sed rhoncus ultricies A est adipiscing duis lacus turpis faucibus urna a, tincidunt sit enim nisl mauris in pellentesque hendrerit egestas faucibus amet eu amet velit nulla magna nulla cursus mi aliquam ac eu sagittis.

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